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My current obsession has been thinking about #ActivityPub and owning my own space and data. I've been tossing around ideas for how to host my own identity on my own server/domain while still hosting a static site on the same domain, as well as decoupling that identity from any particular app or instance.

... And you know what? #atproto as used in #bluesky seems to solve all these problems (in theory - it's still in the process of being built)

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Now I'm wondering about hosting my own atproto PDS, hosting a did:web on my own domain (I already do) and what the process would be to bridge that to ActivityPub.

The name for Emperor Palpetine's secret plan to create force-sensitive clones he could transfer his concoiusness into if he "died"...
In #StarWars canon: Project Necromancer.
In the writers room: Project "Somehow Palpatine Returned"

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

My wife uses the word "overpeopled" to mean overstimulated by too much social interaction with too many people.

"I'm good, I'm just overpeopled right now."

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

New article and video on one of those hidden gems of a plugin for Obsidian. A great reliever of frustration I found. #obsidian #plugins #productivity

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

OBTF, Subtext, ELF... Oh my!

Some random ideas that have popped up are sort of coalescing. Into what, I'm not sure yet. But I fell down a rabbit hole, and this article represents my climb back up. As such, I wouldn't consider this a proper, professional think piece. Just some notes, thoughts and scratchings that I decided to share.


@Ellane W has been documenting her experiments with OBTF (One Big Text File) (link). She links off to others who are doing this, and it's something I've seen before and not paid too much attention to. But now I'm seriously considering it.

One thing she's doing that stuck out to me, is following bullet-journaling principals and marking each entry with a single letter followed by a period (e.g. N. for note, T. for task, E. for event...). She chose letters rather than symbols so they could be quickly and easily entered on a phone without too much hunting. Double-tapping space will enter the period for her. Plus it's simple to search write queries for.


Entirely separate to that whole thing, I stumbled across Subtext, which bills itself as "markup for note taking". The general idea is to treat each line as its own block with a "sigil" at the start indicating the block's purpose (e.g. # for heading, - for list item, > for quote). It bears a resemblance to markdown, except for that focus on blocks, and a complete lack of formatting (it's an index card, not a page).

It also supports linking, through simple URLs (or surrounding unusual URLS in <>), as well as shorthand "slashlinks" to local files. The intention is for links to be transcluded. This allows things like tables to be included by linking to a CSV file. Or if you really need presentation formatting, you can link to a markdown file or PDF or something.


Subtext is conceptually similar to Ted Nelson's idea of an ELF (Evolutionary List File). An ELF has three elements:
- Entries: A discrete unit of information designated by the user. Text (long or short), symbols, pictures, anything. I could see these as "files" as they exist today. Remember, Ted was living in the 60s and 70s and imagining the future of computers at this point.
- Lists: An ordered set of entries as designated by the user. An entry can exist in any number of lists. #MOC s?
- Links: A connector, designated by the user, between two entries in different lists. An entry in one list may be linked to only one entry in another list. Of course, entries in lists can be linked to from multiple places
I think of Notion. Every Notion "document" is actually a list of blocks that can be of different types. Blocks can be linked to specifically.
Backlinks are a big thing, too. Seeing everything that links to the entry you're looking at is important. Of course, Ted is all about that transclusion, too. So this is where the "slashlinks" of Subtext come into it. A Subtext file is a list of entries. There is one entry per line - mostly plain-text, with specified "sigils" to indicate different types of meanings, or URLs/slashlinks, which can transclude files as different kinds of entries. As a plain-text file, it can't really block-reference entries in other list files, so it doesn't quite fit the ELF 100%, but it's close.

Putting it all together

Can we use the Subtext and ELF principals in OBTF? Subtext "sigils" are basically just the bullet types Ellaine was using for her bullet-journal-style approach to the OBTF. Also keep in mind that the OBTF isn't the entire knowledge base - it's just an inbox; a staging area; a replacement for your daily notes; an ever-evolving #MOC of your day-to-day life.
It's a highly personal thing. You could make a note in your OBTF, then later refactor it out into its own note file (I would leave the OBTF entry as-is and just link it to the new note). You can quick-capture tasks, which you keep track of through other means (by Dataview queries in Obsidian, or moving them over to a task management app as part of a daily process). It's all up to you.

I think I'm inspired to start my own OBTF experiment. I've been off-and-on looking for a new journaling practice since I fell off that bandwagon many years ago, but nothing has quite stuck. Maybe I could try some form of interstitial journaling, along with capturing tasks, ideas, meeting notes, etc in a OBTF list, using bullet journaling principals for each entry. As I intend to keep this file in Obsidian, I intend to use markdown-compatible "sigils" from Subtext (e.g. # for heading, - for list item, > for quote), as well as others like - [ ] for tasks.
There are some plugins/styles for rendering different kinds of "task statuses", too. I could render - [i] as a lightbulb (💡) for example. Simple to search for and query, as well. A bit cumbersome to type on mobile, but I could put in some work to customize the toolbar in obsidian mobile...

Alternately, I could just keep things like "ideas" as basic text blocks with a hashtag (e.g. #idea) at the end of the line if it's something I'll want to search for later. It might resemble a more free-form journal that way.

As I stated at the start, this was a collection of ideas I needed to braindump and decided to share. So I don't really have a proper conclusion for you.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I'll be most interested to hear how you go with this over time. You're right; it's a personal thing, not a strict methodology to follow. FYI in my Mastodon feed (Icecubes) it looks like this:
in reply to Ellane W

@Ellane W
Thanks for the screenshot. I didn't see a link preview on the default Mastodon web interface, and in Fedilab (which I use) it looks like a content warning with the whole article's text inside.

Btw, thank you for the inspiration. I really hope I can keep this up!

🤔 #ActivityPub, #Microformats, #Micropub... These all describe the same set of activities. So where's the service that lets me publish to my own static site via something like Micropub, with built-in interactions (likes, comments, etc) via ActivityPub?
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I'm wondering about rigging up a static site generator to fetch statuses from Friendica/Mastodon, with some JavaScript on the individual status pages to fetch any replies / conversations.

But it's complicated.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I'm liking's approach with a kind of static-page CMS for home and now pages, with a status log built in which posts to Mastodon (shoutout to @Prami ), but it's not the same as a website on my own domain, nor is it the same as having community interaction like on Mastodon, etc.

There is this huge, untapped potential to combine these things. But I lack the expertise and funding to build it myself, which frustrates me.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

🥵 I really should pack my own bathers when taking my child to their swimming lesson. I could wait inthe pool, I stead of sweating it out beside the pool...

🤔 I'm playing around with, which allows you to purchase your own domain, with a nice little markdown webpage builder thing, now page, blog, pastebin, persistent link manager, email and a bunch more. It's an intriguing little corner of the internet to call your own...

I kinda want to write blog posts, but I don't really know what I want to write about ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

So... where do you fit in??

Please partake and please boost


  • Boomers (60 - 78 yrs old) (8%, 58 votes)
  • Gen X (44 - 59 yrs old) (46%, 310 votes)
  • Millennials (28-43 yrs old) (38%, 257 votes)
  • Zoomers (12 - 27 yrs old) (5%, 37 votes)
662 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

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Unknown parent



don't sweat that ... every group is going to have a bad apple. ya know

If the #AppleVisionPro is the next "iPhone moment"...
Then I'll wait for the 3rd gen.
Or the cheaper, more open Android equivalent.

I could wait for Microsoft's answer, but it would probably be too late and fail to garner support from developers, even if it is better than the alternatives.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Microsoft should just save themselves the embarrassment and not even try to compete against Apple on this (remember the Zune? The Microsoft phone?) There’s a lot of money for them to make in this space if they stick to software and subscriptions.
in reply to Magnus Hedemark

@Magnus Hedemark
You're probably right.
I was thinking that they already have the HoloLens they could build onto as a competitor... But then I remembered they also had Windows phones/PDAs before the iPhone hit, too.

Don't bother repeating history, Microsoft.

Most mood trackers I've seen just rank from negative to positive, and I feel like there's a lot of nuance there that is lost.

If I have a negative day, it doesn't necessarily mean I was ☹️. I might've been angry or irritable or just sick.

Has anyone seen any good alternatives?

It seems like a problem that is likely solved somewhere already.

#mood #tracking

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

I was perhaps thinking of just tracking multiple axes...
Like a rating of 1-5 for each of "pessimistic optimistic", "serene manic", "peaceful angry", etc.
(I'd need to come up with a definitive list)

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Pleas follow @shanselman so we can force him to post more. Awesome person. All kinds of cool stuff.

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Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

PSA for my friends:

Mastodon has no algorithms. That might be a tad weird, especially for people who come from Xitter or FB where a Like actually triggers something.

Here, a Like triggers only one thing: a smile on my face. Thank you.

If you think more people should read a post, you must boost it. Then your friends can see it in their timeline. Nothing else.

There is no algorithm. You see posts by who you follow and what those people share by boosting.


It's people, not algos.

reshared this

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Ran Prieur on AI: "AI takes words and pictures, and jumbles them up and puts them together in intelligible ways. It's not a way of creating stuff, but a way of exploring and remixing stuff that humans have already done. So it's basically the same thing the internet was already doing, except instead of searching the internet for a whole human-made thing that you're interested in, you can have the AI do a Frankenstein of a million human-made things."

@Fedilab Apps
I recently organised everyone I'm following into lists, and I found I have no need for my home timeline.
I'm now using the single toolbar and wanted to hide the home timeline altogether. But when I did so, something weird happened and a bunch of my lists and timelines got duplicated.
Is this a known issue?
in reply to Fedilab Apps

Nigbot is blocked

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Couldn't sleep last night, started writing a manifesto, couldn't focus today, finished and posted to my personal blog.

It's essentially a call-to-action. The internet we miss is zombified; let's work on a new one, with intention.

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So, as my own personal portal to the #fediverse, I'm selfhosting a single-user #friendica ( instance. I'm still learning, but I can easily connect to #mastodon peeps as well as following #RSS feeds (and I'm starting to reach out and explore "forums", like #lemmy instances.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

However, I mostly interface to it via the #fedilab app (,, which saves my positions in feeds and, crucially, allows me to seamlessly follow external instances, such as the lovely people at

I wish I could do this in #friendica itself, too.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

#ActivityPub is great and all, but it really needs a means of #NomadicIdentity so I can actually join a server like (for both reading and posting) while still maintaining my own identity on my own server. I feel like that's the missing piece of the puzzle.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Another thing I'm liking about #friendica the "saved folders" which basically act as private tags I can add to any post on my server (and #fedilab allows me to add posts from remote servers for actions like starring), and I can bring up the posts with those tags whenever I want.
It's like the bookmark feature on #mastodon, but supercharged.

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Friends have previously told me they could see me getting a job somewhere just to fix a bug or bad UX choices that bother me.

In absolutely unrelated news, does anyone know if the Microsoft Teams team is hiring?

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

Learned a new word today:


From the 16th century. It means "fresh hope, and recovery from despair."

I wish you all a year filled with respair.

Please feel free to pass it on to others; this one needs to be spread around, I think.

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Oh no! My 20-year-old minidisc-capable stereo ( looks like it might have given up.
There was an electrical storm yesterday, and one bolt of lightning did hit quite close to home, but no breakers or anything seemed to be tripped, and nothing else has malfunctioned.
But when I try to turn the stereo on, the backlight does not turn on, it flashes "STANDBY" and then turns off again.
Hopefully there's something I can do to save it...

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

New year, so quick #logseq resolution, I'm going to mark the wins with #success so in the end of the year I have a log on all the things I managed.

First entry, cleaned the attic!

death_au reshared this.

It's that time of year where one reflects on the year that has passed and looks forward to the new one. A lot of people like to set a "theme" for the new year, which is something I've not done before.

But next year, I think I'd like to set a theme of #focus

Focus is something I constantly struggle with, and I really need to step up my game.

So how does one practice focus? What does that even mean? That is what I'm setting out to discover.

Gordon Pedersen reshared this.

INCREDIBLE fanart by !

A perfect mashup 😅

reshared this

This is pretty cool. Might be something to do with my kids on their holidays.
Thanks for sharing,

@Fedilab Apps
I absolutely love the ability of #fedilab to be able to remote follow instances. I've set up my own single-user instance (#friendica) and being able to follow instances is awesome for my very blank timeline.

I have a question - more technical than a feature request - is it possible/feasible to post to another instance's shared inbox endpoint to show in their local public feed?