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I'm looking into ( @microblogpub ) again. It just seems so close to where I want to end up. I want my website to also be my front-end to the #fediverse. basically is that, but there's no real way to add static pages just yet.

I've been playing around with customizing templates and CSS to get the site looking similar to my current home page, and it's working well so far.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

On the other hand, I'm liking the capabilities of #friendica and I'm wondering if I can just build a front-end along the same lines as #microblogpub, but using friendica APIs as a back end 🤔

I might also look into Friendica themes and build a custom website out of that?

I don't know. Too many options.

So, as my own personal portal to the #fediverse, I'm selfhosting a single-user #friendica ( instance. I'm still learning, but I can easily connect to #mastodon peeps as well as following #RSS feeds (and I'm starting to reach out and explore "forums", like #lemmy instances.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

However, I mostly interface to it via the #fedilab app (,, which saves my positions in feeds and, crucially, allows me to seamlessly follow external instances, such as the lovely people at

I wish I could do this in #friendica itself, too.

in reply to Gordon Pedersen

#ActivityPub is great and all, but it really needs a means of #NomadicIdentity so I can actually join a server like (for both reading and posting) while still maintaining my own identity on my own server. I feel like that's the missing piece of the puzzle.
in reply to Gordon Pedersen

Another thing I'm liking about #friendica the "saved folders" which basically act as private tags I can add to any post on my server (and #fedilab allows me to add posts from remote servers for actions like starring), and I can bring up the posts with those tags whenever I want.
It's like the bookmark feature on #mastodon, but supercharged.